Is Healthy Hearts Fun for the Whole Family?
Yes! This year’s Healthy Hearts on the Move community wellness event is being held on Saturday, February 9, from 9am to Noon at St. Albans City School and it promises to be fun (and educational) for the whole family!
It is hard to imagine that this is the 7th annual Healthy Hearts event. The time has flown and the event has grown! It has been interesting to see the transformation over the years to having more and more children participating in learning about health and wellness. Parents and children come as well as our newest trend, grandparents and grandchildren. It is wonderful to see the different generations all sharing in fun and laughter while taking in healthy messages which reinforce a healthier future for all.
I am always impressed by the creativity of the activities at Healthy Hearts. It goes to show that learning health and wellness can be meaningful, fun, and engaging all at the same time. This year’s activities range from “Health Facts Jeopardy” to “Flavorland” and even “Feel the Fruit”! In addition to stretching the mind, there will be plenty of opportunities to stretch the body as well. Our partners in the event, The Family Center of Northwestern Counseling and Support Services, will once again be featured in the School’s large gym with high energy play for kids, including parachute games, a bounce house, tunnels, and giant blocks. I still smile when I think about Vermont’s Governor attending last year’s event and jumping right into parachute play with our community’s youngsters. To be active in slightly more calming environment, RiseVT will be hosting opportunities to explore yoga, mindful breathing and calming techniques in the school’s small gym. Throughout the event, there will be craft stations, face painting, healthy snacks, free chair massage and more.
Being attentive to wellness and embracing healthy habits is so important. Small changes can make such a positive impact on our overall health, whether they are around enjoying a bit more physical activity, making different and still delicious food choices, taking time to manage our stress, not getting lured into thinking e-cigarettes are not addictive, or more. I think that is one of the real benefits of Healthy Hearts: the chance to talk to experts and get real information in a relaxed, supportive environment full of smiles and laughter.
I always enjoy talking to people at Healthy Hearts and hope you will join the fun. Please mark your calendar for this Saturday, February 9, to stop by between 9am and Noon at St. Albans City School. You may even win one of our three door prizes of Family Season’s Pass to Vermont State Parks (good for all parks, all season long!). Come, bring your family, and enjoy – your heart will thank you for it!
— Jill Berry Bowen, NMC Chief Executive Officer