Our Commitment to You:
- NMC will bill your health plan, automobile or workers compensation insurer for covered services before billing you (except for co-pays, co-insurance, or deductibles).
- NMC will make reasonable efforts to obtain referrals, authorizations, and pre-certifications from your health plan.
- NMC will also provide payment plans if you are uninsured or have large balances after insurance.
Your Responsibility as Our Patient:
Provide us with your health plan information and let us know when a service is covered by a party other than your health plan; such as auto insurance or a worker compensation plan. Bring your insurance card with you anytime you come to a hospital.
Present your co-pay when checking in for your appointment.
Keep us updated with your personal information including home address, employer information, and telephone numbers.
Know your insurance coverage, and be aware of any out of pocket expenses.
Cost of your care
Understanding our costs
How do NMC’s costs compare statewide?
Questions on your bill
Care Credit financing
NMC accepts Care Credit financing which is a service that can be used to pay procedures, deductibles, co-pays and other out-of-pocket expenses. Contact our Patient Financial Services team to learn more. Email [email protected] or call 802-524-1048. Care Credit offers a helpful payment calculator that you may find useful. Find the calculator here.