Run For Jim Raises over $11,000 for Local Residents
This spring’s Run/Walk for Jim raised a whopping $11,273.54 in support of the Jim Bashaw Cancer and Catastrophic Illness Fund. The St. Albans Recreation Department helped make the run possible this year, a new partnership with the Run for Jim organizing committee. The Rec Department helped with registration, timing services and logistical support on the day of the event.
“We are happy to be working with the Rec Department on this event because helps make the run more sustainable for the future,” said Shari Bashaw a key organizer of the event for many years.
The Jim Bashaw Cancer and Catastrophic Illness Fund provides financial assistance to people in Franklin and Grand Isle counties who are struggling with cancer or a catastrophic illness. Since its inception, the fund has distributed over 1,100 grants totaling more than $598,000. NMC is proud to partner in distributing these funds of hope.
Some examples of support requests include:
- To pay for lodging and gas to be able to see a specialist out of state
- To help get a patient’s car back on the road to get to their appointments
- To provide a load of wood to get through the winter
- To help pay monthly expenses while out on medical leave following mastectomy surgery
- To provide support for a senior on a on a fixed income when the cost of traveling to appointments makes it challenging to still have money for food at the end of the month
- To plow a patient’s driveway so caregivers can pick her up to bring her to her appointments