NMC’s Athletic Trainers Team Up with AmCare on Injury Prevention
In a collaborative training session earlier this month, Athletic Trainers from the Northwestern Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Center worked with AmCare Ambulance Service to outline how high school athletes would be treated at sporting events where spine immobilization could be necessary.
On November 15, more than two dozen people met at the Highgate Arena for training on removal of athletic equipment and immobilization of the cervical spine. In addition to AmCare staff and Athletic Trainers, coaches from BFA, MVU and the school’s Athletic Directors attended – a strong show of support and engagement from the community around preventive care for athletes.
“It was a proactive example of how two critical and important groups can work together in a joint effort to provide the best service possible for our community,” said BFA AD Dan Marlow. “This exercise also illustrated the benefit derived when people get together and share their expertise and knowledge and get to know each other. Developing this working relationship allows both groups to function more effectively on the job when the pressure of the moment is in front of them.”
NMC Athletic Trainer Danielle Trombley echoed that sentiment. “It was a really good eye opener,” she said, of the training during which the Athletic Trainers, Paramedics and EMT focused on the challenges unique to scholastic sports injuries.
“It was a great opportunity to further coordinate treatment on the scene,” said Walter Krul, Director of AmCare. “It will ultimately benefit our young athletes.”
MVU’s Athletic Director John Lumsden said the collaboration on behalf of the safety of student athletes was nice to see.
NMC’s Athletic Trainers follow guidelines from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, said Trombley, which outlines how to handle situations where a cervical spine injury is suspected. These injuries can occur in sports like hockey, football and lacrosse and often involve the removal of helmets and pads, which must be conducted with care.