Cardiac Capers Presents NMC Auxiliary with 2018 Show Proceeds
Cardiac Capers Chair Helene Biggie recently presented $13,000 to the Northwestern Medical Center Auxiliary, a donation representing proceeds from the fall 2018 show.
Cardiac Capers is a musical variety show staged every other year that serves as the NMC Auxiliary’s largest fundraiser.
The Auxiliary’s Mission is to support NMC through fund-raising and positive community relations and was formed by and for people who have a common commitment to the goals of the hospital and a concern for the health of the communities it serves. The Auxiliary works to promote goodwill on behalf of NMC, to raise charitable contributions, and to enhance the delivery of quality care through the NMC Volunteer Program.
The Auxiliary always welcomes new members. If you would like to learn more about our organization, or get a membership application, please contact Volunteer Supervisor Katherine Winchester. Call her at 802-524-1055.