
Fresh Start

Northwestern Georgia Health Center 4178 Highbridge Road, Georgia, VT

Location: Georgia Health Center  Fee: Free  Please call to register: Chelsea 802-777-5103 or Alyssa Fuller 802-393-6695  When you’re ready to quit, 802Quite has local Vermont Quit Partners ready with free workshops to help you set up a plan and succeed in being tobacco-free. 


Vermont Quit Partners Fresh Start Tobacco Cessation Class

Northwestern Georgia Health Center 4178 Highbridge Road, Georgia, VT

Location: Northwestern Georgia Health Center Pre-Registration Required: To sign up for a session call Chelsea Poland, (802)777-5103 Free Join others for this 4-session series to help you successfully quit smoking. Sessions include: understanding why you have an addiction and how to quit; mastering the first few days, mastering obstacles; and staying quit and enjoying it […]
