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NMC Marks 40 Years of Volunteer Program with Celebration

NMC recently celebrated 40 years of service from its Volunteer Program during an annual recognition event, this year held at the American Legion in St. Albans. The program’s founder Dolly MacNeil attended to share some history and stories about the early years of volunteerism in the hospital.

Attendees also heard remarks and thanks from NMC’s Leadership Team who offered heartfelt thanks to the approximately 60 volunteers in attendance, especially for their return following a pause in the program during the pandemic.

”We often referred to you as the first flowers or spring, or our rays of sunshine,” said Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Billings, speaking about the impact on tired hospital staff of the volunteers returning.

Also during the event, volunteers who have passed away were remembered, and both new and retiring volunteers were recognized. Volunteer Services Manager Katherine Winchester was recognized for her service over the years, and especially during the pandemic, helping to keep the program alive even when paused. Winchester led the recognition event and handed out certificates, pins and charms based on volunteer hours given, ranging from 50 hours to 11,500.

For more information about the Volunteer Program, please contact Katherine Winchester at 802-524-1055.