Getting to Know Our Volunteers: Shirley Jacobs
NMC has a team of 75 volunteers who help the organization be a welcoming place that is easy to navigate. Volunteers at NMC serve as greeters at information desks, couriers, help in the Gift Gallery and Courtyard Café, and much more. The volunteers have interesting backgrounds and interests – here’s one example.
Shirley Jacobs,
Volunteer at the Gift Gallery and Information Desk
Number of years volunteering at NMC: 32
Tell us about your career path over the years …
Between my junior and senior year of high school I worked in the kitchen as a tray girl at what was then Kerbs Memorial Hospital. After high school, before I even began looking for work, the dietician from Kerbs came to my home and asked if I would like to go back in the kitchen to work. I worked in the kitchen for about five months before moving onto clerical work for the accounting staff. Back then we had many hats: Admitting, discharging, cashier, insurance billing etc. and everyone had to learn the switchboard. Now that switchboard resides in the medical room in our St. Albans Historical Society.
Four of us in the office had a bowling team, we even had bowling shirts with KERBETTES – our team name and we bowled very well.
I worked about 16 years at the hospital between getting married and having 3 children, working part time and full time. I then went to work for a new doctor in town and worked there for 19 years only getting done when he retired. I later worked at The Tyler Place Family Resort seasonally for about 20 years. I can truly say I enjoyed all my work experiences.
What do you enjoy about volunteering at NMC?
I enjoy meeting the staff and getting to know more people than I ordinarily would. The strong personal connection we create also helps when we need medical attention. I also enjoy seeing new stock come into the gift shop and it’s nice to get to know the volunteer team.
What hobbies do you have or what kinds of things do you do in your free time?
I have traveled to many fantastic places and bonded with many people around the world, keeping in touch with them for many years. I enjoy live theater. For years volunteered for the Vermont Parkinson Disease Association for the visually impaired.
What’s something people may not know about you that you’d like to share?
That I was a care giver for many years for sick family members. I also had a wonderful grandson who lived with me from the time he was 18 until 32. He eventually moved to Virginia where he found better work opportunities.
What’s your dream vacation?
I don’t have very much left on my bucket list. Perhaps one more Ocean Cruise and American River Cruise.
What historical figure would you like to have dinner with?
President Abe Lincoln. Coming from a poor but hard-working family circumstance and rising to be President of the United States was remarkable.
If you’d like to learn more about volunteering at NMC, click here, or reach out to Katherine Winchester, Manager of Volunteer Services at 802-524-1055.