Coronavirus Information

NMC’s Updated Visitation Policy  

To protect patients, staff, and community members during the outbreak of COVID-19, NMC is currently restricting visitation. We know family members and loved ones play a key role in supporting and comforting those who are sick and ill, however, as we seek to prevent the spread of COVID-19, this temporary change is necessary.

Until further notice, no visitors will be allowed with the following limited exceptions and guidelines:

General Guidelines:

  • Visitors must be screened prior to entrance – and must have an absence of symptoms.
  • Visitors must be over the age of 18.
  • The individual visitor for a patient must remain the same through the duration of stay.
  • Visitors must remain in the patient room when in the organization.

COVID-19 Related Instances:

  • No visitors will be allowed in rooms of patients who are COVID-19 positive and/or with pending COVID-19 test results (unless at end-of-life or as outlined for the Family Birth Center below).

Emergency Department, NMC Physician Practices & Outpatient Appointments, including Diagnostic Imaging, Laboratory, etc:

  • For Adults in ED/Practices/OP: Visitors may not accompany patients unless the patient requires support and assistance to access their appointment and visitor is screened;
  • For Pediatric patients in ED/Practices/OP: may have one screened parent or support person.

For Inpatients:

  • Family Birth Center patients: One screened support person;
  • Pediatric patients: One screened parent or support person;
  • Surgery (ambulatory): Only if needed, one screened person to escort;
  • Patients at End of Life: visitation managed by the care team;
  • Other Rare Exceptions: One consistent screened support person may be permitted in other rare circumstances, such as patients with cognitive impairment or disability.
  • To speak to an inpatient by telephone, please call 524-5911.