Was NMC Dancing on the Front Lawn Again?
Yes – our team took to the lawn again this year to help raise awareness of the importance of early detection of breast cancer! Earlier this Fall, many members of the NMC family joined on the hospital’s front lawn to record a segment of our 2016 Breast Cancer Awareness dance video. The outdoor dance went on amidst the construction of our new front entrance and the City’s reconstruction of Fairfield Street – as with an important cause such as breast cancer, the NMC team would not be deterred!
This year’s breast cancer awareness dance is set to the Andy Grammar song, “Good To Be Alive” that sends a shout of “hallelujah” out for the good things in life. This is a particularly powerful message when talking about breast cancer, as with early detection and treatment, breast cancer can be overcome. It was so powerful and meaningful for us to dance alongside breast cancer survivors from our own staff. That reinforces our entire organization’s commitment to ensuring that everyone in our community understands the importance of early detection and participates in the proper screenings. I am thankful that NMC is able to employ a Breast Cancer Nurse Navigator to help individuals through the process and ensure we wrap around them when there is a diagnosis of breast cancer. Chelsea Mulheron, RN, is a wonderful resource and her efforts have drawn such warm appreciation from the patients and families she has assisted.
Hundreds of our staff took part in some portion of our dance video and I thank each of them for joining in. Special thanks go out to our choreographer, Rachel Bilodeau of Studio3 and our camera-man, Paul Snyder of Northwest Access TV. Their personal commitment to this project made us all look like far better dancers than we would be on our own! Also, special thanks to Kate Laddison of NMC Community Relations and Jamie Pinkham of NMC Compliance who led this year’s production along with a team of champions from many of our departments. It takes quite a bit of coordination to train healthcare professionals to dance in unison!
To watch our 2016 breast cancer awareness dance video, visit the NMC Community Relations page on YouTube. You will find a link to the video on our website at: https://www.northwesternmedicalcenter.org/news-updates/nmc-releases-breast-cancer-awareness-dance-video/ At that site, you will find a link to the ‘behind the scenes’ documentary that was filmed during the creation of this year’s dance video. It is an inspiring piece that features comments from participants and survivors discussing what the project means to them.
The early detection of breast cancer is so important, as it significantly increases the ability to treat and defeat the disease. The recommended frequency of mammography for women varies based on circumstances, so it is best that you have a conversation with your primary care provider about what schedule is right for you. For the general population, the American Cancer Society recommends an annual screening mammogram beginning at the age of 40. The age to begin mammography, frequency, and clinical approach can shift given risk factors, so please speak to your provider about what is right for you. And remember, there are resources available to help with the financial side of screenings if cost is a barrier. If you have questions about financial assistance relating to mammography, please reach out to Chelsea, NMC’s Breast Care Navigator, at 524-1242 or [email protected]
Now is a particularly good time to make sure you are up-to-date on your mammography as, in celebration of early detection during October’s Breast Cancer month efforts, we entering people who share their “mammotivation” – their reason to be well and stay well – with us at the time of their mammogram into a drawing for a wonderful package to Mystic Waters Day Spa.
Breast cancer prevention and early detection are vital components of good health. Please take the time to ensure you are up to date with your screenings. Speak to your primary care provider about it – and it you need help finding a primary care provider, call NMC Community Relations at 524-1280. There are so many reasons to invest in yourself and your health – what’s your “mammotivation”?
— Jill Berry Bowen, NMC’s Chief Executive Officer