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Rep. Kathy Keenan Honored with NMC Community Service Award

Long-time Franklin County Legislator and Registered Nurse in NMC’s Emergency Department Kathy Keenan was honored with this year’s NMC Community Service award at an NMC Board of Incorporators meeting on Monday May 13.

NMC Board President Leon Berthiaume announced the award on behalf of the board, and honored Keenan for her advocacy for the people of Franklin County both in Montpelier and locally.

“Kathy has been an active force working for the greater good in our community for many years while overcoming challenges and building positive relationships,” said Berthaiume.

“During her service in the Vermont Legislature, Kathy was known as a strong advocate for the people of Franklin County while being attentive to the needs of the state and the means of the taxpayers.  She welcomed differing viewpoints and patiently and skillfully moderated many local Legislative Breakfasts to help give constituents an opportunity to share their perspectives and ask their questions,” he said.

Berthiaume also noted her local involvement, serving on board of the Samaritan House, Franklin County Home Health Agency; the NMC Incorporators; the Business & Professional Women’s group; the St. Albans PTO; and the United Way of Franklin County.

Keenan also served as an Emergency Department nurse for more than 20 years.  She was active in teaching the ENCARE drunk-driving prevention courses to local youth and helped establish the awareness-raising “THINK” signs which appear throughout Vermont marking the locations of fatalities that occurred as the result of drinking and driving.

Keenan is the seventh recipient of the NMC Community Service award, which was established by NMC’s Board of Directors to recognize an individual or organization residing in Franklin or Grand Isle Counties who exhibits enthusiasm, integrity, and perseverance beyond the ordinary to help fellow citizens and the community through selfless giving to improve the overall health of the community—be it money, talent, or time. Previous honorees include Emerson Lynn of the St. Albans Messenger, Rear Admiral Warren and Mrs. Barbara Hamm, the late Dr. Thomas Howrigan of Fairfield, Marcia Perry of Richford, Helene Biggie of St. Albans and Dr. Frank and Judy Zsoldos.

Keenan was presented with a cut-glass maple leaf award, and her name is now inscribed on a maple tree plaque in NMC’s Conference Center.