Two Scholarships Presented at Annual Dinner
Two Franklin County students were recently presented with scholarships towards their health-related degree programs as part of the Northwestern Medical Center Health Professions Scholarship Program Benefit Dinner, at the Tyler Place Resort on May 20, 2015.
The two scholarships were given from the Martin H. Wennar, MD Health Education Fund, and were presented at a dinner featuring guest speaker Dr. Katie Montagne. Dr. Robert Zelazo welcomed attendees and Health Education Fund committee member David Knightes presented the awards to honorees. The Martin H. Wennar Health Professions Scholarships are presented to graduating high school seniors entering collegiate studies in a health care field. Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and community service. Typically, two $2,500 scholarships are awarded, one of which is reserved for a student entering the field of nursing.
This year, Thomas Allerton and Josalene Curtis earned the two Martin H. Wennar MD Health Education Scholarships. Allerton, a St. Albans resident and BFA senior intends to study neuroscience at St. Lawrence University or Dartmouth College. Curtis is a senior at Enosburg Falls High School and intends to study nursing at Plymouth State University.
For more information on the Health Professions Scholarship or information on exploring health related careers, visit