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Vaccination Update for March 2021

Currently, Vermonters age 65+ are able to register online for vaccination with the Vermont Department of Health system on their website or by calling the Vermont Department of Health at 855-722-7878.

With the anticipated increase in vaccine supply in Vermont, the Governor has announced two additions to this:

  • Starting Monday March 8, Vermonters with certain high risk conditions will able to register for vaccination and those conditions are now listed on the VDH website (and shared in this post below). These vaccinations will be done in two phases: those with chronic conditions over the age of 55 can register beginning March 8. Those with chronic conditions over the age of 16 will be able to register for vaccination beginning March 15.
  • Vermont will also begin vaccinating teachers, school staff, early childhood workers, and childcare providers. We are awaiting details on that step forward.


The State has clarified (see excerpt from their website below), individuals with chronic conditions will be done by personal attestation and no physician’s note or documentation will be required. (The State will do verification audits through an auditing process within the VITL, Vermont’s health information exchange.) Similarly, we are not aware of a requirement for documentation relating to prior vaccinations or reactions. Individuals who do want documentation of their conditions or vaccination history for their own purposes should speak to NMC’s Health Information Management Department at 802 524 1060.

Please stay tuned to the Vermont Department of Health announcements as well as local media and NMC’s social media for more information as it becomes available.


  • “Current cancer
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • COPD, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis
  • Heart disease, including heart attack, heart failure, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease (angina, acute and chronic ischemic heart disease), cardiomyopathies, and pulmonary hypertension. Does NOT include high blood pressure.
  • Immunocompromised (weakened immune system), due to solid organ transplant, blood, or bone marrow transplant, immune deficiencies, or other causes; or HIV with a low CD4 cell count or not on HIV treatment; prolonged use of corticosteroids or other immune suppressing drugs.
  • Severe obesity (BMI of 40 or above)
  • Pregnancy
  • Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
  • Disabilities including chromosomal disorders, such as Down syndrome; intellectual disabilities (IQ of 70 or below); disabilities that compromise lung function (neurologic and muscular conditions such as muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and multiple sclerosis).
  • Sickle cell disease”


“You do not need to contact your health care provider to get documentation of the condition.

“You will make an appointment in our system in the same way as Vermonters who have been eligible by age.

“You will be asked some questions. First, you will say that you have one of the health conditions that makes you eligible for a vaccine. This will serve as a self-certification. We trust you to work with us and help make sure that these Vermonters at highest risk due to a medical condition are protected.

“When making your appointment, you will also be asked to provide information for a health care provider you see for the condition, if you have one. But if you don’t have a health care provider, you can still get a vaccine.

The Health Department may use the information you provided to confirm your eligibility, either through medical records or by contacting your provider. We may also reach out to people who don’t have a provider to offer a connection to care.

