NMC Makes it Easier To Safely Dispose of Medications
Northwestern Medical Center recently installed and activated a collection receptacle to be used by the community as a secure place to properly dispose of over-the-counter and prescription medications and some controlled substances.
The kiosk will be located in the main hospital lobby and features a one-way drop mechanism with a locking door. The kiosk is securely fastened to a permanent structure and will be managed by hospital staff, including NMC’s security team.
People who lawfully possess medications may use the receptacle to dispose of them safely at any time. Many people may have expired or unused medications in their medicine cabinets and seek a way to keep them out of reach of children and others.
“The safe disposal of medications is incredibly important to our community,” said NMC CEO Jill Berry Bowen. “We want to do our part to prevent the diversion of left-over medication, and provide easy access to a safe method of disposal.”
NMC worked closely with the Vermont Department of Health for the project and obtained a Drug Enforcement Agency license to make the collection system possible.
“We are so pleased that Northwestern Medical Center supports our community effort to provide safe, convenient and responsible ways to dispose of prescription drugs. Having a drug kiosk at the hospital that is open to the community is another step to make sure drugs don’t get into the wrong hands or pollute our waterways,” said Judy Ashley, District Director, Vermont Department of Health.
In our area, several pharmacies hold regular drug take-back events, usually one-day opportunities to bring in unwanted substances. The St. Albans Police Department also takes medications at any time. NMC’s kiosk is an added resource for our community. Feel free to contact us with questions about the program. Call Community Relations at 802-524-1239.