Follow-Up Release: No Positive COVID-19 Tests Following NMC Staff Member Positive
The COVID-19 tests have all come back negative for those deemed necessary to be tested under the guidelines of the Vermont Department of Health following a member of the NMC Emergency Department (ED) Care team experiencing a community-acquired, asymptomatic case of COVID-19.
“We are pleased that the tests were all negative,” said Jonathan Billings, NMC’s Vice President of Community Relations. “The care team member involved used proper personal protective equipment (PPE) while at NMC and followed NMC’s established measures to reduce the risk of transmission. These precautions and the ongoing careful cleaning of NMC’s facilities have served NMC and the community well.”
Given the results, the NMC ED staff have discontinued the temporary routine use of N95 masks and have returned to the use of surgical masks for normal circumstances. “Throughout the pandemic, NMC has put the safety of our patients and our staff first in all decision-making,” Billings said. “Our care teams have taken great care with their personal protective equipment and our Environmental Services Staff have done a remarkable job with cleaning and sanitizing.”
This serves as a strong reminder that anyone can contract COVID-19 in the community. It also underscores the importance of proper precautions to reduce the risk of transmission of illness, particularly as we enter the flu season. Use proper hand hygiene and maintain social distance from others. Wear a cloth face covering when proper social distancing of at least six feet cannot be maintained. Stay home when you are sick and contact your primary care provider for guidance. Please get your flu shot – it does not protect against COVID-19, but it does protect against influenza which is also a personal and public health concern.