NMC Launching New LNA Training Program
NMC is excited to announce the launch of a new training program aimed at supporting people through the process of becoming a Licensed Nursing Assistant and strengthening the larger pipeline of nursing staff.
Once approved by the State, the program will consist of a 10-week training class taught by an NMC instructor at the Congress and Main building in downtown St. Albans. NMC will pay students for the hours they participate in the training and also offer additional work hours to trainees at NMC as a patient sitter. Classes will start February 6 and run from 4:30 to 8:30 pm, also including two days of clinical, hands-on training. After completion, the trainees will be offered full-time LNA positions at NMC.
The program is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who holds a High School diploma or equivalent. The opportunity may fit well for a recent high school graduate or anyone looking to begin a healthcare career at any stage of life. This free program could also serve as a steppingstone to advancing to the Licensed Practical Nurse bridge program at NMC and onto a Registered Nursing position.
Only 10 seats will be available in this first program offering, with more 10-week sessions planned for the future. To apply for the program, or to find out more information about becoming an LNA Trainee, contract Kelly Campbell, RN, Director of Professional and Organizational Development at NMC. Email her at [email protected] or call 802-752-1999.