Janet McCarthy, RN, Honored with NMC’s Community Service Award
The Northwestern Medical Center (NMC) Board of Directors is pleased to announce Janet McCarthy, RN, as the recipient of NMC’s 2021 Community Service Award in recognition of her long and devoted service to the community through her leadership of Franklin County Home Health Agency and extensive volunteer service.
A nomination of McCarthy said she “has developed a passionate and caring team of Home Health workers that take care of our community. She strived to find opportunities for Home Health to work with the various health care organizations including NMC to best serve our population.”
In addition to her professional role, McCarthy recently completed 9 years of service on the NMC Board of Directors. “Janet’s leadership, knowledge and experience provided a strong voice on the NMC board,” said Jake Holzscheiter, NMC Board Chair, as he presented the award. In addition, McCarthy has served on the Boards of Northwest Counseling and Support Services, VNA Health Systems, VNA’s of Vermont, RiseVT and COVE; as well as numerous advisory boards, such as Franklin County Family Center, Club Respite Adult Day Care, BFA Advisory Board, and the Hospice Council of Vermont. She has also been a member of the Franklin County Quilters Guild.
Another nomination summed up McCarthy saying, “She always has a smile on her face. She is one of the most enthusiastic people in our local healthcare galaxy. She sees the whole picture of caring for the people of Franklin County and enjoys the well-earned respect and trust from all those who have worked with her over the years.”
“I am incredibly humbled and speechless,” said McCarthy in accepting the award during the NMC Incorporators’ meeting. “Thank you so much. This is an incredible organization to be honored by. I just love our community. I am surrounded by good people looking to do good things. I am completely surprised and humbled.”
The NMC Community Service Award was established by the NMC Board of Directors in 2013 to recognize an individual or organization residing in Franklin or Grand Isle Counties who exhibits enthusiasm, integrity, and perseverance beyond the ordinary to help fellow citizens and the community through selfless giving to improve the overall health of the community. Nominations are invited from NMC’s Board, staff, medical staff, volunteers, and Incorporators. The NMC Board makes the selection from the nominations.
The NMC Community Service Award is presented each year at a meeting of the NMC Incorporators. Recipients are presented with a crystal maple leaf commemorative award and have their name added to a plaque which hangs in the NMC Conference Center. Prior recipients of the NMC Community Services Award are: Dr. Thomas Howrigan; Marcia Perry; Helene Biggie; Dr. Frank & Judy Zsoldos; Retired Rear Admiral Warren and Barbara Hamm; Emerson Lynn; Kathleen Keenan, RN, and Pam Cross, RN.
This year, in addition to the individual award, the NMC Board also gave special recognition to all healthcare workers in the community. “NMC’s Board of Directors would like to extend our sincere respect and appreciation to all those who have helped meet the challenge of keeping our community safe and healthy over the past fourteen months,” said Jake Holzscheiter, NMC Board Chair. “The selflessness, the courage, the devotion, and the partnership we have seen has been amazing. It is impossible to name everyone, so we allow me to extend to every worker in every healthcare setting, our most heartfelt thank you. You have been remarkable and we deeply appreciate all you have done and continue to do. Thank you.”