Super-Food Summer Smoothie
Smoothies are a delicious addition to your diet anytime – but especially in the hot summer months. But to make smoothies a healthy option, think carefully about the ingredients in your recipe to make sure you are getting a nutritious drink.
Here’s a recipe that uses kale – a super-food which packs a big nutritional punch – along with cucumbers, lemon and other summery ingredients for a delicious, nutritious, green smoothie.
- 1 cup packed, shredded kale
- 1 cup packed baby spinach
- juice of ½ lemon
- 2” fresh unpeeled cucumber
- 1/2 fresh banana
- 8 oz apple juice
- 2 oz ice cubes
Put all ingredients in a mason jar for easy prep and storage. Use an immersion blender to blend all ingredients until smooth.
Thank you to NMC’s Sous Chef Jonathan Newhard for the inspiration and the recipe. Click here to view a video of Chef Newhard making this smoothie and two other healthy smoothie concoctions!