Did The Incorporators Elect a New NMC Board Member?
Yes. NMC’s Incorporators are a group of up to 150 local residents who serve as an important connection between NMC and our community. They elect eleven of the twelve members of the NMC Board of Directors (with the twelfth member being the President of the NMC Medical Staff) and they are responsible for processing and approving any proposed changes to NMC’s Board of Directors. We are fortunate to have such a large committed group involved in these important roles and keeping NMC deeply rooted in our community.
At their November meeting, the NMC Incorporators elected Dawn Bugbee of Grand Isle, Vermont to her first full term on the NMC Board of Directors. Dawn has been serving on the NMC Board to complete a prior Board member’s unfinished term. Dawn is a Certified Public Accountant and the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Green Mountain Power, whose vision is “to use energy as a force for good, improving lives and transforming communities.” Dawn also served NMC for years as the hospital’s Chief Financial Officer before joining Green Mountain Power. Dawn currently serves on the NMC Board’s Finance Committee, as well as on the Board of Union Bank and Goodwill of Northern New England. Her financial expertise, background in healthcare, and involvement in the community make Dawn a strong Board member. We are very pleased to have her begin her first full term as an NMC Board member.
The Incorporators also elected Jake Holzscheiter of Westford to the NMC Board of Directors. Jake is the President and CEO of A.N. Deringer, a national logistics firm headquartered in St. Albans, Vermont, with offices throughout the United States and international reach to thousands of points across the globe through customs brokerage, transportation, and warehousing & distribution. Jake is a licensed Customers Broker with over 20 years of tenure at Deringer. He is the former President of the Northern Border Customs Broker Association and a member of its Board of Directors. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Vermont Chamber of Commerce. We are very pleased he was willing to join NMC’s Board, as the strength and vision of our Board has long been a key strategic asset for NMC as we work to provide exceptional care for our community in the midst of a turbulent healthcare environment.
In January, Jake will fill the seat on the Board previously held by Michelle Lawrence of South Hero who is completing her third three-year term on the Board, the maximum continuous tenure specified within our bylaws. Michelle is a CPA and Investment Advisor with The Vermont Agency and has most recently served as the Chair of the NMC Board’s Finance Committee. Michelle’s insight and expertise have served NMC and our community well over the years and I thank her, on behalf of the NMC Board and our entire hospital family, for her many years of service on the Board.
Fortunately, Michelle will continue on as an active member of the NMC family. She and Dr. Frank Zsoldos, a retired primary care physician of St. Albans, were elected by the Incorporators to serve on the Incorporators’ Nominating Committee. This group serves to nominate new members of the Incorporators and of the NMC Board of Directors.
The Incorporators also re-appointed Carol Livingston and Steve Marshall to the Bylaws Committee. This year, a change in the NMC Bylaws was also approved, adding a physician as a voting member to the NMC Board’s Planning & Community/Government Relations Committee.
In addition, the Incorporators voted to welcome twelve new Incorporators: Dr. Greg Brophy (East Fairfield); Dustin Degree (St. Albans City); Leon Graves (Fairfield); Winton Goodrich (Swanton); Admiral Warren Hamm (St. Albans Town); Lisa Hango (Berkshire); Jeff Eaton (Swanton); Kathy Lavoie (Swanton); Deb Loughlin (St. Albans Town); Corey Parent (St. Albans Town); Karyn Rocheleau (St. Albans Town); and Judy Zsoldos (St. Albans Town). We are fortunate to welcome such a involved and talented group to our Incorporators.
In addition to all of the elections, the Incorporators heard and overview of NMC’s new three year strategic plan and the 2017 Annual Operating Plan which flows from it. They also engaged in good conversation with myself, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lowrey Sullivan, and NMC Board Chair Kevin Manahan about current areas of focus for NMC, recent accomplishments, and pressing issues. As we continue to navigate efforts to reform and advance our healthcare system at the local, state, and federal levels, conversations such as these to keep our community leaders informed and involved are so very important. I thank all of our Incorporators for their involvement and their ongoing support of local healthcare.
— Jill Berry Bowen, NMC’s Chief Executive Officer