Coronavirus Information

Updated Visitation Policy in Response to COVID-19 

Northwestern Medical Center is temporarily suspending visitation, an update to processes implemented earlier this month in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

These measures are intended to prevent or limit exposure to COVID-19, enabling us to continue safely caring for our patients.  

NMC’s Updated Visitation Policy – Effective Friday, March 20 at 6:00 a.m. 

Until further notice, no visitors will be allowed, with limited exceptions to individuals who are screened, including: 

Inpatient Visitation 

  • One support person for Family Birth Center patients. 
  • One parent or support person for pediatric patients. 
  • One visitor/support person escorting a patient undergoing same-day surgery or ambulatory care. 
  • One consistent support person may be permitted in other rare circumstances such as for a patient with a cognitive impairment or disability who requires assistance to access care. 
  • Visitation for patients in end of life care will be managed by their care team. 

Emergency Department / Outpatient Visitation 

  • Visitors are not permitted to accompany patients to outpatient visits (including the Emergency Department) unless the patient requires support and assistance to access their appointment. 
  • Pediatric patients may have one parent or support person for outpatient visits if they are properly screened. 

Continued Patient Screening at NMC Entrances 

NMC will be continuing to screen patients before entering our buildings. At the main hospital building, patients and visitors must access through one of two entrances: The Medical Office Building or the Emergency Department.  

Everyone entering will be screened with a series of questions. Anyone with symptoms compatible to COVID-19, including fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, or identified “at risk” will not be allowed to visit. 

These temporary changes will be reviewed in the coming weeks to determine when routine operations can resume. 

Please note: Unless it is an emergency, patients should stay at home and contact their provider by phone if they have COVID-19 symptoms, fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath. Providers will work with patients to determine if testing or medical treatment is needed. 

More information about COVID-19 is available at: